Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone,
This week has been crazy like always. As trials approach our training volume went down and our quality intensity went up, producing some very painful but satisfying workouts.
Midweek we had a time control 500m which went poorly I felt slow and went slow it was demoralizing but it started to shake the cobb webs out of the body and mind. after the TC we did a bunch of very fast paced intervals which were awesome I felt so much better during that portion of the work out it was great so I feel the day was a wash part good part bad. The rest of the week has progressed about the same some great work outs and some bad ones, this is the first time that I am doing this kind of intensity so it will take an adjustment period. The same for the increased training load my body has adjusted to it but it will take time to take hold and make me faster.

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