Sunday, July 12, 2009

2nd Team Trials

Hi All,
Second team trials were this weekend. Day one was the 500m k1 races, day 2 was seat racing for the k4.
It was a good experience racing both days, there was significant wind and motorboat waves during the k1 500m finals in which I placed 8th I was very close to 6th, 7th showing significant improvement from the trials in May. I wasn't thrilled with my race because I have been doing extremely well in practice putting down fast times and being in the top of the pack, but I have a lack of race experience in sprint which showed this weekend.
Day 2: today we completed 4 seat races to fill out the K4 unfortunately since I was 8th I was put in the B boat as a domestic ie someone who has to put out a tremendous amount of effort in 4 head to head races against the A boat, while other people are swapped in and out of the A and B boats. The final crew is determined by the combination of people that were able to create the largest time gap between A&B over 500m.
This racing experience was extremely valuable for future race performance. While I did not make the Sprint Kayak team for worlds I qualified for the sprint canoe team so I will be competing with my C2 partner for top honors at worlds August 12-16th, from Nova Scotia I will be hopping on a plane to Alanta, GA for sprint Nationals where I plan on improving my US ranking of 8th. From Sprint Nationals I will be going to prague, czech for dragon boat world championships ( I was asked to compete by the US Dragon Boat association) from here its the east coast then a trip to Marathon World Champs in Portugal with Anne Blanchard (we have both decided to focus on the K2 and maybe break top 5).
I have recieved funding for about 1/2 of all my expences which is huge and I am very greatful for this however the rest will be coming out of pocket (not so good for a barista working at $8/hr.)
I would like to do some fund raising or locate some sponsorships to help cover the rest of the cost. With the economy in turmoil it is the worst time to do either so I am asking people for ideas. if you know a company which would like some international publicity etc..or anything else.. anyway please comment, any thoughts/epiphanies are welcome.

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