Thursday, April 16, 2009


Athletes are the most hard headed people on the planet. I was talking about injuries in the locker room today with some of the girls and a common theme popped up. NO one was willing to give an inch of training up for an injury unless they literally could not move! They could all give great advice to others on the subject but could never take any of it themselves. The conversation came up because I knocked my rib out of place again on Tuesday, I could feel something was going wrong on Saturday but I pushed through it til Tuesday. On the bright side there has been a doctor/chiropractor and extra massage therapist on site all week, so I have received excellent care. Today the Chiro was able to slip my rib back in place , the massage therapist was able to take down the muscle spasm and the Doc gave me a shot of lydocane for inflammation and scare tissue yeah!!!! The result is I am going to be back on the water tomorrow morning for an easy session!

1 comment:

  1. Hey There ~ ~ ~ Greets from Maine ~ ~ ~ Nice Blog Great Locations ~ ~ I havent done much with my own blog, but you might like to check out the links . Your adventures sound great , tried to send you a b/day card won the $$ you know what again. Be well Cheers, and Absinthe` for breakfast juice
