Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Training in Bethel, ME

The early mornings are becoming increasingly brisk in Bethel, ME making it harder and harder to get out of bed and train before work.
This morning I woke to the sight of big fluffy flakes falling from the sky and a blanket of white on the ground. I quickly decided I was going to pretend that it was a dream, rolled over buried myself under the covers and went back to sleep. When I woke for "real" I had to face the facts it was snowing (as a skier I was excited as a kayaker I was very unhappy and I believe I kept muttering something about how the world was out to get me etc..). No matter the weather, I was determined to paddle today. An hour later I arrived at Songo pond to dreary, foggy and damp conditions but no wind, as I took the boat off the car and got ready to paddle I kept repeating to myself "I love to paddle, I love to paddle". Once I was off and kayaking the 1.20hr workout I had planed flu by. Focusing on the workout and not the conditions made a big difference in how I felt and the overall quality of the workout, I doubt the weather is going to get much better as Nov. rolls around but I will keep getting on the water and enjoy those moments where I feel I have conquered the elements.

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